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Satu Mare-Fehérgyarmat bicycle trail

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Teljes táv: 46 km
Össz. emelkedő:  13 m
Össz. lejtő: -24 m
Magasság max.: 126 m
Magasság min.: 108 m

Satu Mare - Vetiş - Oar - Csenger - Fehérgyarmat

Built under the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme, the trail is a scenic 49 km long ride across the two countries with 20 settlements on the way. 

The tour starts from the centre of Satu Mare and follows the left bank of the River Someş (Szamos). We can ride on the newly built, 3 meters wide bike road along the embankment as we pass the settlement of Vetiş. With a little excursion, we can have a look at the two monuments of the village, the Reformed and the Greek Catholic Churches.

After about 1,5 kilometers we reach Oar, a village of 1500 people, the oldest settlement of Satu Mare County. Here we can visit 19th century churches. The settlement is known of the Synod of 1544, and reformer Demeter Tordai has a statue here.

We cross the border and ride past orchards and fields and after a turn we reach Csenger, the first Hungarian town of the tour. We can learn about the past of this Hild János-award winner settlement at the Local History Museum. It is worth checking out the famous Reformed Church built in late Gothic style in the 14th century. In the same street we can see the Classicist Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Catholic Church designed by Imre Makovecz. The unique Adventist Church was also designed by him.

Leaving the village we cross the Szamosbecs Bridge to the other side of the river and follow the bike trail on the right side of the embankment. We can enjoy scenic landscapes while passing the villages Szamossályi, Szamosújlak and Gügye. If we would like to see more of the natural sights of the region, we can visit the Cégénydányád Castle Park Nature Conservation Area where we can see a huge collection of trees among them exotic, ancient and enormous specimens.